LABORATORY TESTING AND ANALYSIS Product testing is a means to verify that goods comply with applicable standards or contractual obligations prior to shipment. The result of laboratory testing depends how effectively the commodity or the product has been sampled, the test methods applied, the credibility of the laboratory in which the tests have been performed and the interpretation of the test results. TCIS have the required expertise to sample as per contractual, international guidelines and evaluate suitability of specialist laboratories. TCIS will also carry out accurate interpretation of analysis and advise on its conformity / variations. TCIS have worked for years with highly qualified and accredited partner laboratories and in order to ensure consistency of performance, regular scheduled and unscheduled audits as per ISO/IEC 17025 are conducted. We work mainly only with ISO/IEC 17025 laboratories that use the latest technology and procedures to ensure accuracy and fastest possible turn-around time. TCIS through its network of specialized laboratories offer testing for a wide range of products.


Product testing is a means to verify that goods comply with applicable standards or contractual obligations prior to shipment. The result of laboratory testing depends how effectively the commodity or the product has been sampled, the test methods applied, the credibility of the laboratory in which the tests have been performed and the interpretation of the test results.

TCIS have the required expertise to sample as per contractual, international guidelines and evaluate suitability of specialist laboratories. TCIS will also carry out accurate interpretation of analysis and advise on its conformity / variations.

TCIS have worked for years with highly qualified and accredited partner laboratories and in order to ensure consistency of performance, regular scheduled and unscheduled audits as per ISO/IEC 17025 are conducted. We work mainly only with ISO/IEC 17025 laboratories that use the latest technology and procedures to ensure accuracy and fastest possible turn-around time.

TCIS through its network of specialized laboratories offer testing for a wide range of products.